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Employee training guide for SMEs in Singapore

Are you a small or medium-sized business owner in Singapore who is looking to improve the training and development of your staff? Having an effective employee training programme can be your key to success, but it's often difficult to know where to start. This guide will give you useful tips on how to make an employee training plan that works well and meets the needs of both your business and your employees. Get ready to discover the potential of your team!

What are the benefits of providing employee training?

Employee training can provide several benefits, not only to the business but also to the employees! Let’s take a look at these incredible benefits of providing employee training for small and medium-sized businesses.

Improved employee performance

One of the primary benefits of training employees is that it can help them do their jobs better. Through training, employees can better understand their job duties and how to perform them effectively. In turn, this can lead to increased productivity and efficiency in the workplace. Additionally, training can help employees develop new skills that can be useful to improve their performance.

Increased customer satisfaction

When employees are trained well, they are better able to provide quality service to customers. This can lead to positive word-of-mouth and repeat business for the organisation. Moreover, happy customers are more likely to refer others to your company, which can help you get new leads and customers.

Greater workplace safety

When employees are properly trained on safety procedures, they are less likely to be involved in accidents or injuries. This not only keeps employees safe but also cuts down on the costs associated with workplace accidents, such as workers’ compensation claims and lost productivity.

Enhanced morale

Employee training can also lead to enhanced morale in the workplace. When employees feel that their employers care about them, they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and committed to their employers. 

Higher employee retention

Another benefit of employee training is that it can help increase retention rates. Employees are less likely to leave their current job for another one if they feel like they have been trained well and are confident in their ability to do their jobs. Also, employees who have been trained well and are more productive are more likely to get promotions within their company, which can make them happier at work.

We now understand how important employee training is to the growth of a business. It is therefore critical to develop a structured and well-thought-out programme for your employees if you want to train and develop them well. Let’s further discuss how it can be done effectively.

How to design an effective training programme for employees?

While designing a good training programme can seem like a daunting task, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some practical steps you can take to create an impactful and engaging programme that will help ensure your employees develop the right skills for success.

  1. Determine the goals: Determine what you want to accomplish in the training programme, then define clear, quantifiable targets that are in line with your overall business objectives. Clearly convey the objectives of the training to your employees so that they know how it will benefit them too.
  2. Set adequate budget for training resources: Consider how long it will take to cover each topic, how often employees should be trained, who needs to be involved in delivering the training, and what materials are necessary for effective learning. It is also important to allocate resources such as time, budget, staff members, and facilities needed to make sure everything runs smoothly.
  3. Create engaging materials: Ensure that the training materials include visuals, audio, interactive activities and other engaging elements so that your employees stay engaged and motivated.
  4. Provide a supportive learning environment: Creating a positive learning atmosphere can make a huge difference in the success of your effective training programme. Provide the staff with access to a resource library, follow-up meetings, coaching, or mentorship to continue helping them after the training is completed.
  5. Track and measure training progress: Assess results periodically to determine whether goals are being met or if adjustments need to be made. You can consider using either spreadsheets or HR software to monitor employees' training progress.

Now that you’ve learnt how to design an effective training programme for your employees that encourages learning and leads to successful outcomes, let’s take a look at some tips to motivate your employees to attend training.

How to motivate employees to attend training?

Employees’ motivation to attend training sessions is important as it can affect several critical elements essential to the success of the training programme and the overall performance of the organisation. If you are having trouble getting your employees to go to training, here are some ideas:

  1. Employees should be informed of the benefits of the training, such as how it will help them grow their careers and their skill sets.
  2. Make training attendance mandatory for all employees, and ensure they are aware of its significance to their performance on the job.
  3. Encourage managers and supervisors to participate in the training and set an example, as this will demonstrate how much the business values its employees' capacity for growth.
  4. Include engaging elements in the training, such as games, tests, or team-building exercises.
  5. Support the employees by offering resources or responding to any queries they might have.

What are some employee training programmes that are supported by the Government of Singapore?

As an SME owner, it may be overwhelming to develop your own employee training, especially if you have to wear many hats to keep the business going. Thankfully, you can tap into some of SkillsFuture Singapore’s (SSG) programmes and initiatives below, which are designed to help SMEs develop and enhance their employees’ capabilities and productivity. 

  • Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ): The WSQ is a national credential system that aims to enhance the capabilities, productivity, and growth of both individuals and employers through equipping employees with skills demanded by the current and future economy.
  • Skillsfuture Singapore (SSG): Employees can attend relevant courses provided by approved training partners and supported by SkillsFuture Singapore.
  • Career Conversion Programme (CCP): Companies can also send their existing employees for training courses under the CCP to acquire new skills that are necessary for redesigned employment roles.

You can check out the full list of programmes and initiatives available for SMEs that meet your training needs on SkillsFuture Singapore!

Is there any funding or grant available to support employee training in Singapore?

It can be financially challenging for SME owners to send their employees for training. The Singapore government has therefore created a few funding schemes to offer financial support for SMEs by subsidising course fees. Here are some funding options that you can consider if you are an SME owner:

For the full list, head over to SkillsFuture Singapore’s list of Funding Assistance Schemes!

Why use Payboy’s HR software to manage your employee training?

By investing in your employees, you can make sure they know about the latest changes and trends in the industry. This will help your company's bottom line in the long run. 

While Excel or Google Sheets can be used to manage employee training, there are some drawbacks to doing so: 

  1. Time-consuming: Maintaining a spreadsheet manually to track staff training progress can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large workforce. Data entry, record updating, and making sure the data is accurate can all take a lot of time.
  2. Error-prone: Manual data entering into a spreadsheet raises the chance of typos or other data entry problems.
  3. Challenging to produce insightful reports quickly: Putting together insightful reports will require more time and effort on Excel or Google Sheets, instead of just a click of a button on a HR software.
  4. Limited security: Spreadsheets lack the specialised software's level of protection, making them susceptible to data leaks.

If you're looking for a way to streamline employee training and development, Payboy HR & payroll software may be just what you need. With Payboy’s training management module, you can manage your employees' training progress effortlessly and effectively with these benefits:

  1. Easy accessibility: Payboy is a cloud-based HR software and it is easy to access the training records of your employees from any device with internet connection.
  2. Improved scalability: As your business expands, Payboy can help manage a significant number of employees and training records, making it simpler for larger enterprises to manage the progress of employee training.
  3. Automatic renewal reminders: Missing a certification renewal can be costly and make operations a nightmare. Never miss another renewal again with Payboy’s auto-reminder.
  4. Customised training checklists: With Payboy, you can customise training checklist for each employee depending on their roles and responsibilities and ensure that all employees are equipped with the necessary training to excel in their roles.

Are there any SME grants available if I’m interested in using Payboy HR & payroll software?

Yes, Payboy is eligible under the PSG Grant! Find out more in our FAQ on PSG Grant.

Keen to explore Payboy for your business? Sign up for a demo below and see how Payboy can help take your business to the next level!

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