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Salary slip template for employees in Singapore

Salary slips, also known as payslips, are a fundamental part of the employment landscape in Singapore. They ensure transparency, facilitate proper record-keeping, and are legally mandated. This guide will provide comprehensive insights for employers on how to handle salary slips effectively, highlighting the mandatory components, the benefits, legal requirements, and how to streamline the process.

What is a salary slip?

A salary slip is a document issued by an employer to an employee that details the breakdown of the employee’s earnings for a specific period. It includes information about basic salary, allowances, deductions, overtime pay, and net salary. In Singapore, salary slips must be itemised and provided regularly to comply with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) regulations.

What are the mandatory components in salary slip?

An itemised salary slip is a statement that explains what your employee’s pay is made up of. Payslips must include the items shown below, unless an item is not applicable to your employee.

NumberItem description
1Full name of the employer
2Full name of the employee
3Date of payment (or dates, if the payslips consolidates multiple payments)
4Basic salary
For hourly, daily, or piece-rated workers, indicate all of the following:
1. Basic rate of pay (e.g., $X per hour)
2. Total number of hours or days worked or pieces produced
5Start and end dates of the salary period
6Allowances paid for the salary period, such as:
1. All fixed allowances (e.g., transport)
2. All ad-hoc allowances (e.g., one-off uniform allowance)
7Any other additional payments for each salary period, such as:
1. Bonuses
2. Rest day pay
3. Public holiday pay
8Deductions made for each salary period, such as:
1. All fixed deductions (e.g., the employee’s CPF contribution)
2. All ad-hoc deductions (e.g., deductions for no-pay leave, absence from work)
9Overtime hours worked
10Overtime pay
11Start and end dates of the overtime payment period (if different from item 5—start and end dates of the salary period)
12Net salary paid in total

5 reasons why it is mandatory to provide Salary Slip to all employees

Reason #1: It’s a legal requirement

Providing salary slips is a legal requirement under Singapore's Ministry of Manpower (MOM) regulations. Employers must issue itemised salary slips to comply with the law, avoiding hefty fines and legal actions.

Reason #2: Ensures transparency

Itemised salary slips ensure transparency between employers and employees. They provide a detailed breakdown of earnings, deductions, and net pay, allowing employees to clearly understand how their salary is calculated. This transparency builds trust and reduces misunderstandings, fostering a positive work environment.

Reason #3: Helps financial management

Salary slips play a crucial role in helping employees manage their personal finances. With a clear record of their income, employees can budget effectively, plan for savings, and manage expenses. Salary slips also serve as proof of income for loan applications, credit approvals, and other financial transactions.

Reason #4: Dispute resolution

Having a detailed salary slip helps in resolving pay-related disputes quickly and efficiently. In case of discrepancies or misunderstandings, the itemised breakdown provides a clear reference point for both employers and employees. This aids in addressing issues promptly, maintaining harmonious employer-employee relationships.

Reason #5: Essentials for record-keeping

Maintaining accurate payroll records is essential for auditing purposes and future reference. Salary slips serve as an official document of payment history, ensuring that all transactions are well-documented. Employers are required to keep these records for a specified period, which helps in compliance with auditing standards and prepares businesses for any financial inspections.

Is it compulsory for employers to keep a record of salary slips?

Employers are required to maintain a record of all issued salary slips. These records can be kept in either soft or hard copy formats, including handwritten versions.

  • Format: Soft copy, hard copy, or handwritten.
  • Retention Period:
    • Current Employees: Retain the latest two years of salary slips.
    • Former Employees: Keep the last two years of salary slips for one year after the employee has left the company.

Is there a salary slip template?

An employer can create an itemised payslip manually by using the itemised salary slip template provided by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). Here’s a sample of what a completed itemised payslip looks like:

What happens if an employee changes roles or departments within the same company?

If an employee changes roles or departments within the same company, the record-keeping requirements for salary slips remain unchanged. Employers must continue to maintain records of all salary slips issued for the employee. The transition to a new role or department does not alter the obligation to retain these records, ensuring consistency and compliance with legal requirements.

How to choose the right method to generate salary slip?

The choice between manual and automated methods depends on the size of the business, the complexity of the payroll, and the available resources. Below are two scenarios that illustrate the considerations and outcomes of using manual versus automated methods.

Scenario #1:  Implementing manual salary slip generation in an SME

A small retail business with 15 employees initially opted to use manual templates to generate salary slips. The company continued with manual salary slip generation due to these strong reasons: 

  • Cost-effective: For very small businesses, manual creation can be less expensive since it doesn't require investing in software.
  • Customisable: Employers can tailor the templates to fit specific needs.
  • Simple implementation: Easy to start with basic tools like spreadsheets and word processors without the need for extensive training.

While manual methods can be feasible for very small businesses with straightforward payroll needs, they become increasingly inefficient as the business grows. Along the way, the company will experience the limitations of manual salary slip generation.

Scenario #2: Implementing automated salary slip with the use of a HR Software in an SME

A small tech startup with 20 employees. Initially, they used manual templates to generate salary slips. As the company grew, the HR team spent increasing amounts of time managing payroll, often leading to errors and delays. By adopting HR software, the startup was able to:

  • Reduce payroll processing time: Automated calculations and integrations streamlined the entire process.
  • Enhance accuracy: Errors in payslips were virtually eliminated, ensuring employees were paid correctly and on time.
  • Improve compliance: The software ensured all payslips met MOM regulations, reducing the risk of penalties.

Transitioning to automated HR software offers significant advantages in managing payroll more effectively and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. The switch to HR software not only improved operational efficiency but also boosted employee satisfaction by providing timely and accurate payslips.

What are the penalties if an employer fails to provide itemised salary slips?

Failure to comply may result in fines of up to $1,000 for the first offence and up to $2,000 for subsequent offences.

In addition, if an employer submits false payslips after the deadline, they could face a hefty penalty of up to $5,000 and court charges.

Tip: Stay compliant by learning about the "6 penalties for HR non-compliance to avoid in Singapore," including CPF contributions, Skills Development Levy, and other essential obligations!

Generate salary slips easily for your employees with Payboy HR and Payroll Software!

Delays or inaccuracies in generating salary slips can harm both productivity and employee morale. To effectively manage HR duties, businesses need a dependable HR software solution. Payboy HR and Payroll software ensures the precise and prompt creation of salary slips, helping to maintain high levels of employee satisfaction and operational efficiency.

With our fully compliant, customisable, and integrated payroll processing module, you can enjoy additional features that are designed to save you time and effort.

  1. 100% compliance and 100% peace of mind
    • Forget about payroll and SDL calculations, CPF contributions, and IR8A submissions. Our software will automatically calculate them for you and keep you compliant with the latest regulations from MOM, CPF, and IRAS.
  2. Covers any work arrangement
  3. Transparent, Accurate, and Simple
    • Have full visibility on how payroll is calculated automatically based on shifts, attendance, leave, and submitted claims within an intuitive experience.
  4. Customisable itemised payslips
  5. Fully integrated with your preferred platforms
    • We’ll fit into your ecosystem seamlessly and keep your finance team happy. Learn more about our seamless integrations with Xero, Financio, and Quickbooks.

Streamline your HR processes with Payboy today!

As a PSG-approved HRMS, Payboy provides a robust system to help you manage your HR tasks so that you can focus on your business and people!

With our wide range of modules, you can customise a solution to meet the specific needs of your business:

Payroll Processing | Leave Management | Claims Management | Applicant Tracking

Time Attendance | Shift Scheduling | Appraisal System | Inventory ManagementProject Costing | Training Management

Find out how you can do it all with Payboy

Reach out to us if you are keen for a free demo on how we can help you save hours and give you some peace of mind on payroll and other HR matters so that you can focus on your business and people.
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