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Global Ready Talent (GRT) programme guide for employers in Singapore

Are you planning to hire interns? Whether you're a small start-up or a large multinational corporation, the Global Ready Talent (GRT) programme in Singapore offers a unique opportunity to cultivate a pipeline of skilled interns who can drive innovation and growth. In this guide, we'll delve into the benefits of the GRT programme, the eligibility criteria for companies, the application process, and how your organisation can leverage this initiative to grow a future-ready talent pool.

What is the Global Ready Talent (GRT) programme?

The Global Ready Talent (GRT) programme is an initiative designed to help companies in Singapore develop a pipeline of talent that is equipped with global perspectives and skills. This programme aims to enhance the employability of local students by providing them with opportunities for internships and overseas exposure, thereby fostering a more competitive and versatile workforce.

What are the eligibility criteria for companies to participate in the Global Ready Talent (GRT) programme?

To participate in the GRT programme, companies must meet specific criteria that ensure they can provide a meaningful and beneficial experience for interns. The eligibility criteria for companies include: 

  • A business entity that is registered and incorporated in Singapore
  • At least 30% local (Singaporean or Singaporean Permanent Resident) group shareholdings
  • Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the internship
  • Companies able to offer interns at least S$800/month to ITE and Polytechnic students and S$1,000/month to University students
  • Companies should have the necessary resources and infrastructure to support an intern’s learning and development
  • Companies must be committed to providing structured training and mentorship to intern
  • Companies must comply with all relevant employment laws and regulations in Singapore
  • (For enterprises offering overseas internships) - Have existing overseas operations, positive business outlook and definite growth plans

What is the funding support for the Global Ready Talent (GRT) programme?

The GRT programme offers funding support to approved participating companies to help offset the costs associated with hiring and training interns. The funding support includes:

  1. Internship stipend (up to 70%, capped at S$1,000/mth**)
    • Companies can receive subsidies to cover a portion of the internship stipends paid to interns. This helps reduce the financial burden on companies and encourages them to provide more internship opportunities.
  2. Overseas allowance (for supported markets***)
    • For internships that involve overseas attachments, companies can receive additional funding to cover travel and accommodation expenses for interns.

These funding supports are designed to make it easier for companies to participate in the GRT programme and provide high-quality internship experiences.

* 70% for SME & 50% for non-SME

** S$1,000 for University & S$800 for ITE/Polytechnic

***Focus on Southeast Asia, India, China

How does the Global Ready Talent (GRT) programme work?

The GRT programme operates through a structured framework that facilitates the placement of interns in companies, both locally and overseas. Here’s how the programme works:

  1. Internship placements: Companies identify suitable internship roles within their organisations and submit these roles for approval. Once approved, they can recruit interns from local educational institutions.
  2. Training and mentorship: Companies are required to provide structured training and mentorship to interns. This includes assigning a mentor, setting learning objectives, and conducting regular performance reviews.
  3. Overseas opportunities: For companies looking to offer overseas exposure, the GRT programme facilitates the arrangement of overseas attachments, allowing interns to gain international experience and insights.
  4. Funding application: Companies apply for funding support through the GRT programme portal. Once the application is approved, companies can receive subsidies and grants as per the programme guidelines.
  5. Talent acquisition: Companies may convert the internship to a full-time hire after the end of the internship, should both parties feel that there is a fit. 

Tip: Are you a business owner in Singapore looking for SME grants? Explore our ”SME grants and schemes guide in Singapore” to explore other support initiatives that are available to SMEs.

How will the Global Ready Talent (GRT) programme benefit companies?

Participating in the GRT programme offers numerous benefits to companies, including:

Access to interns

Companies gain access to a pool of talented and motivated interns from local educational institutions. These interns bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the workplace.

Cost savings

With funding support from the GRT programme, companies can reduce the costs associated with hiring and training interns. This makes it more feasible to offer more internship opportunities.

Talent development

By participating in the GRT programme, companies can play a proactive role in developing future talent. This helps build a pipeline of skilled workers who are well-prepared to meet the needs of the industry.

Enhanced competitiveness

Companies that invest in talent development through the GRT programme can enhance their competitiveness in the global market. Interns with international exposure and skills can contribute to the company’s growth and innovation.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Participating in the GRT programme allows companies to contribute to the development of the local workforce, demonstrating their commitment to corporate social responsibility.

How can my company apply for the Global Ready Talent (GRT) programme? 

Applying for the GRT programme is a straightforward process that involves the following steps:

Image credit: SG Tech

Step #1: Company application

Companies interested in participating in the GRT programme can register their interest and create account on GRTNet through the portal. It is suggested to apply 3 weeks prior to the internship.

(Login using CorpPass; After 11 April 2021, users will be required to login using Singpass)

Step #2: Submit job listing

Once registered, companies can submit their internship roles for approval. These roles should align with the programme’s objectives and provide meaningful learning experiences for interns.

Step #3: Placement of interns

Once the job listing is approved, companies can proceed with the recruitment and placement of interns. They can work with local educational institutions to identify suitable candidates.

Step #4: Claim submission

After the internship roles are approved, companies can claim funding support. This involves submitting the necessary documentation and information as per the programme guidelines.

For more details on submitted documents, refer to the Global Ready Talent (GRT) programme official guide outlined by SG Tech.

Tip: Check out our ”The Business Grants Portal (BGP) guide for SMEs” to learn about the other list of available grants and tips to maximise your chances of a successful grant application.

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For additional insights on hiring interns and maximising their potential, be sure to check out our comprehensive "Guide to hiring interns in Singapore". We offer valuable tips and best practices to help you make the most of your internship programmes!

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