Switch to Payboy now for only $3 
Switch to Payboy now for only $3 Say goodbye to expensive HRMS
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Starting your new venture? We’ve got you covered!

Empower your team with Payboy HRMS for cost efficiency and time savings. Let's enhance workforce satisfaction and create a more dynamic and compliant organisation.
Submit your Interest here!
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Why our package is ideal for startups?

Cost Efficiency

Designed to fit tight startup budgets, offering premium HR and payroll features at a fraction of the cost.

Time Savings

Automates time-consuming HR tasks, freeing your team to focus on innovation and business growth.


Flexible solutions that grow with your startup, easily adapting to increasing workforce demands.

startup looking for efficient and affordable HRMS?

We’re here for you! Exclusive for fewer than 10 employees

Career Conversion Programme (CCP)

Empower your team with Payboy HRMS for cost efficiency and time savings. Let's enhance workforce satisfaction and create a more dynamic and compliant organisation.
*Each program has a different minimum monthly salary requirement

Payroll Processing

No more late nights calculating payroll or keeping track with new regulations. They’re always ready, whenever you need them.

Leaves Management

Check leave balances. Apply for leave digitally. Approve leaves. Submit and store supporting documents or medical certificates.

Claims Management

Set claim categories and claim limits based on roles and projects once and we’ll keep track for you. No more losing receipts and messy paperwork.

Shift Scheduling

Drag and drop shifts. Allocate staff based on availability and experience level. Shift scheduling doesn’t have to take forever.

Time Attendance

Record attendance with just one click, anytime, anywhere. The days of error-prone, time-consuming manual tracking are over.


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Hassle free!


Building a strong network with industry leaders


100% compliant.
100% peace of mind.

Got questions? We’ve got answers.

How does Payboy ensure compliance with labour laws
and regulations?

We have built-in compliance features that help ensure your business stays compliant with Singapore's labour laws and regulations. Payboy stays up-to-date with the latest changes to labour laws and includes built-in features such as overtime tracking, minimum wage requirements, and tax calculations.

Does Payboy provide customer support and training for
your services?

Yes, we offer a wide range of training resources to help you get started with our software. Moreover, our customer support team is available via phone, email, and chat to help you with any questions or issues you may have.

Is a trial period available for recruitment firms to test out Payboy before committing to a subscription?

Yes, Payboy offers a free trial period for businesses to test out the software before committing to a subscription. This allows companies to evaluate whether Payboy is the right fit for their needs and requirements. You can contact us here for more information.

Ready to transform your hr capabilities 
and management?
Schedule a free demo call now to meet our experts.